Who do you think Jesus is? 

This is one of the most significant questions we need to answer. Jesus claims that He is God in the flesh, that He has come to save us from our sins and rise from the dead because God loves us so immensely. It is written:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - (John 3:16)

God's love for us is so deep that his only son was sent to die so we could have eternal life with him forever. God calls us to put our trust (our faith) in Jesus.

Christianity is all about faith in the message of Jesus Christ- a message of hope in which we can be certain in. Our source for this saving message is the Bible, and so understanding it is a priority if we want to know who Jesus is.

Want to know more? Or are you feeling unsure about who you think Jesus is? We would love to see you at one of our services or invite you come and do Alpha with us, a group for those looking to know more about Jesus.